
Our Commitment

Our future is built on continuous innovation, but our day-to-day operations wouldn’t be possible without our team members’ commitment to conducting business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism.

Operating thoughtfully

Through a blend of corporate global strategy and local adaptation to the unique challenges and opportunities that each of our facilities and operating locations present, we're always working toward making our operations more sustainable.

silicone platter with blue and green overlay

Empowering people

Our commitment to team members is reflected in our core value of People and is illustrated by our relentless drive to provide an engaging work environment that is ethical, diverse and inclusive.

Young woman with blurred shimmering green lights in background

Sourcing responsibly

Our rigorous sourcing standards maintain the sustainability of our operations while improving social and environmental conditions through our industry's supply chain.

Gold colored minerals

Sustainability is built right in.

Everything we do is with community and environmental sustainability in mind.


We believe in taking action.

Our dedication to sustainable practices is exemplified by the clear, tangible action that we have taken to benefit our environment, our people, and our communities. Visit our sustainability page to find our annual Sustainability Report and other resources, and learn how the choices we're making today will help ensure we have the resources and talent we will need in the years ahead.

person writing on a tablet device in a greenhouse environment